
Monday, March 14, 2011

How do I....... Make my own nail polish?

We've all done it.... looked at an eyeshadow and thought, "Gosh, that would look amazing as a polish!" This simple how-to will teach you how to get your favorite eyeshadow onto your nails!

You will need:
  • Powder eye shadow or eye shadow pigment of your choice
  • Clear nail polish
  • Small container to mix the polish together in
  • Toothpick, popsicle stick, or other small utensil to mix with

  How to:
  • First off, if you are using an eye shadow that is in pan form (not loose, like a pigment is), you will need to remove some of the shadow from the pan, and crush it to a powder.
  • Once you have your eye shadow prepped, place a small amount (about the size of a dime, if not less) into the container you will be using. 
  • Pour an equal amount of the clear nail polish over the shadow in the container. 
  • Mix the two parts together, forming a smooth, lump-less consistency. Note: More clear polish may need to be added to the mixture for a more polish like consistency. The goal here is to have more polish than shadow in the container so the shadow is like a polish.
  • Using the brush from the clear polish, apply the nail polish to your nails, and top with a different clear polish.
  • TO CLEAN YOUR POLISH BRUSH: after using the brush to apply polish, run the bristles under warm water to wash off any polish, then soak in nail polish remover to remove any excess colored polish.