The newest issue of Seventeen arrived in my mailbox today, much to my joy. As I flipped through the pages, an interesting ad caught my eye.... one for Biore Pore Strips! I had always wanted to try these, but never got around to actually going out and getting them. So, when I saw that there was a one-strip sample attached to the ad, I immediately tore it out and tried it. The strip applied cleanly and just felt like a bandage on my nose, nothing out of the ordinary. According to the ad in the mag, the strip was supposed to clean my skin on my nose of all blackheads, dirt, etc. Now, either I have really, really clean skin, or the something went wrong with the strip. When I peeled it off my nose and looked (gross! but that's what you're supposed to do with them! [: ), there wasn't any "guck" on the strip! I have to say I was a little disappointed, as weird as that sounds. However, the strip did make my nose incredibly smooth, and my pores looked minimized..... so until I test this product a little more, we have a love/hate relationship on our hands.
Have any of you tried the Biore Pore Strips and had the same problem? Did they work for you? Leave me a comment below!
Have any of you tried the Biore Pore Strips and had the same problem? Did they work for you? Leave me a comment below!
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